Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Ultimate Herbal Food Supplement for the Longevity and Healthy Life...
*Rasayana Prash

Special price: Ang.85.- for one / take two for only Ang.135.-
     Promotes Longevity and the growth of new tissues.
     Enhances general immunity of the body to effectively prevent common aliments, gives
 a feeling of well being and helps to fight general diseases

        Useful for under-nourished and anemic persons,
during pregnancy and lactation periods
        and can be used as an adjuvant to minimize side effects of modern medicines


Special price: Ang. 34.95 for one / take
two for only Ang.65.-
According to Ayurveda The 'Rasayanas' are means to impart long, healthy, disease free life, intelligence. 'Rasayana' aims at maintaining youthfulness, vigour, vitality of the body and keeping away ageing process, senility and debility. It maintains the proper functioning of the cells and rejuvenates the cells. As such it also keeps away the diseases.
Chyavanprash is a comprehensive herbal tonic with multiple health benefits, prepared according to an ancient Ayurvedic formula. Used by people all over the world today, it is a proven energizer, immunity booster and pre-emptive tonic. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Seminario-Tránsito di e planeta Saturno i su efekto

Saturn movement
E Tránsito, di Saturno tan komentá a kuminsá 15 di novèmber 2011 i ta terminá, 2 di novèmber 2014. E lo trese basta purifikashon na tur aspekto  di bida di ser humano. Di akuerdo ku diferente kultura i religion, mundu lo kaba 21 di desèmber 2012. Den e periodo di tránsito e planeta Saturno lo ta den e signo di libra, ku un durashon di 3 aña. Esaki ta un fenómeno tòg ku tin ku para ketu na dje. Den sentido ku unu, Saturno no sa keda tres aña largu den un signo, dos e ta di tránsito den signo di libra; ku ta indiká ku e ta den su mihó posishon “Exsalted”.

E planeta Saturno ta konosí pa su karakterístikanan fèrfelu. Slou, kurpa steif, tardansa, altamente disiplina,kumpli ku tur norma i balor, trese òrdu den desòrdu, hasi hustisia na un i tur, trese kos bieu pa dilanti, tristesa, enfin tur loke un ser humano por spera di Saturno ta un bida di nobo sin sufrimentu.

Normalmente Saturno ta tuma 30 aña pa e pasa den tur e diesdos signonan di zodiak,pues dos aña i mei den kada unu. E bahia aki lo e tuma seis luna èkstra ku ta tres aña den e signo di libra. Kiko esaki ta nifiká pa bida humano riba planeta tera?

Astrologia Védiko ta bisa nos ku kada un di nos ta diferente. Esaki ta mará na nos kultura, ora di nansementu, lugá di nansementu, fecha di nansementu i asta nos nòmber. Tur esaki nan ta hasi nos diferente i úniko for di otro. Ku esaki den mente ta nifiká ku e tránsito di Saturno  den libra su efekto riba kada un di nos lo ta diferente. Mester tene den mente ku tur loke bini ta pa mehorashon, pa drecha i nunka pa mas malu. Riba tur djasabra ta Saturno su dia. Ta bon pa duna algu na pobernan riba djasabra. Tambe ta bon pa prinsipalmente riba djasabra analisá bo energia bo i akshon. Loke bo hala bo atenshon mas Saturno su energia lo drenta i trese balansa. Saturno su manera di ópera; figurábo, bo ta den un toko i bo tin pensa di kumpra kos dushi sabiendo ku dòkter a prohibíbu di esaki, Saturno su energia lo drenta i trese na bo konosementu pa bo skohe algu mas saludabel ku ta yudabo salú. E manera ku e lo hasi esaki ta dependé kon mará bo ta na e kustumber ménos bon. Pues bo por sinti su efekto duru òf suave.

Seminario "Tránsito di e planeta Saturno i su efekto"

Lugá na WTC Sala Francia            Fecha: djasabra 10 di desèmber 2011,                        Orario:9:30–11:30.                           Kontribushon ang.45.00.
Oradó: Glenn F. Fermin                  Idioma: Papiamentu

Lo tin oportunidat pa bo mes wak bo Karta Natal (pa esaki mester di bo fecha, nòmber,ora i lugá di nansementu), studiantenan di astrologia Védiko lo ta presente pa guia i kontesta pregunta, lo tin te òf awa disponibel pa esnan presente.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

KAPIKACHCHU - Mucuna pruriens Bak by - Dr. Parvathy Rajeev

Ayurveda Research

The challenges the world presents us seem to be growing dail, requiring greater effort to maintain balance. The nature itself has the solution in its flora and funa. The world of natural plants is filled with compounds that are beneficial to our health. The best example is the magic bean or the velvet bean a multi-purpose herb that runs the gamut of health uses. Mucuna is known by many names throughout the world such as the magic bean, nescafé and bengal bean. Mucuna beans have been ground into a savory coffee substitute in Central America. The people of India eat it as a vegetable. But perhaps the magic bean’s most popular usage is how the Brazilians use it - for sexual vitality. Increasingly, Mucuna pruriens is used as a health compound due to the concentration of l-dopa in the seeds.

The uses of mucuna can be dated back to vedic times. Ayurveda the ancient science of life , the Indian System of Medicine have explained Mucuna under many Sanskrit names recognizing its different properties and uses.

Sanskrit names :

  • Atmagupta (well protected because of the pruritic trichome of the legume)
  • Kapikachchu (one starts itching like a monkey – Kapi)
  • Markati (hair covering like monkeys)
  • Pravrushayana (grows in the rainy season)

Mucuna – as called in Brazil; pruriens = prurita – producing itching or irritable sensation when touched.

Being a creeper with long trifoliate leaves and long purple flowers, the egg plant has violet flower, can be seen throughout the India and other tropical regions. The plant belongs to Leguminosae family, the fruits are legumes with abundant trichomes on the surface. These hairs on touch cause intense itching, burning and erythematous swelling of the skin which gives it the name Kapikachchu. It grows during monsoon. Flowering stage is from November to January, followed by fruiting.

Chemical composition :

Seeds – seeds contain high concentrations of levodopa, a direct precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine and is as effective as pure levodopa/carbidopa in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. It also shows anti- depressant action so is effective in depressive neurosis. Also improves sexual functions.

It also contains mucunine, mucunadine, prurienine, purienine, tryptamine, proteins, oil and a trace of manganese.

Seed oil : It is abundant in stearic, palmitic, myristic, alachidic, oleic, linoleic acids & sterol.

Pod – trichomes : It is abundant in 5 – hydroxytryptamine and an enzyme-protease-mucunain. Several alkaloids have been isolated. It contains serotonin (5-HT), 5-HTP, nicotine, N,N-DMT (DMT), bufotenine, and 5-MeO-DMT having psychedelic effects.

The hairs lining the seed pods and the small spicules on the leaves contain 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) which cause severe itching (pruritus) when touched. The calyx below the flowers is also a source of itchy spicules and the stinging hairs on the outside of the seed pods are used in itching powder. Water should not be used if contact occurs, as it only dilutes the chemical. Also, one should avoid scratching the exposed area since this causes the hands to transfer the chemical to all other areas touched.

Whole plant : choline

Internal uses :

Nervous system :

The roots and seeds are tonic for the neurons.
The root is useful in hemiparesis and facial palsy.
The seed – powder is useful in Parkinson’s disease.
The seeds of Mucuna pruriens accumulate 0.2% - 2% L-dopa in their dry weight.

Source: Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic & Research Center

Monday, November 21, 2011

Direct Enlighten Astrology Team Representative (EATR)

Now Direct Online horoscope reading and Predictions.

This is one of our Supreme services by our website. Using this online Vedic Astrology service; You can have live consultation online (phone) with the EATR astrologer and ask question related to any aspect of life. You can ask any number of questions but within the specified time according to the order. Once you request for the online astrology consultation, with a suggestion as to your convenient time. We get back with a confirmation whether the time is available for consultation or not.

We will send you our EATR's telephone number which can be called at the time of appointment. Please confirm all Birth Chart details in advance. Go to Astrology service.

Please note; There would not be an option of getting a new person's reading at the time of the call.

EATR Languages: English, Dutch, Spanish & Papiamentu

You can take the prior appointment by calling on 599-527-6372 or 599-462-9272
Payment policy: Online (phone), live consultation 25 minutes with an EATR USD. 25.00 Payment(s) should be confirmed prior to online consultation.

Order now!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

..Ask your Vedic Astrologer…...
Puntra bo Astrólogo Védiko…

Enlighten Astrologer Team Representative (EATR)

Pregunta: Aserka bo EATR, ku kualke pregunta relashoná ku bo bida personal, bo famia, bo relashon pa ku otro hende, bo trabou, bo perspektiva, bo karera, bo bida spiritual, bo pareha, bo edukashon i pa kualke otro punto di interes general. 

Kon Astrologia ta funshoná: Astrologia Védiko ta un sensha ku ta puramente basa riba kalkulashon. Kalkulashon di e 9 Planetanan, di e 27 Konstelashon di e Streanan, 12 Kasnan i algun detaye mas pa kompletá e Karta Natal. Karta Natal ta un “foto, blue print di un hende su bida” saka/kalkulá for di kósmos, kaminda henter bida di e nativo por keda interpretá i analisa. Wak Vedic Astrology.

Eksigensha(nan): Pa aplikashon di un karta natal, e nativo mester registrá primeramente su; Nòmber (kompletu),Ora i Pais di nansementu. Wak Astrology Service.

Pólisa di Interpretashon: E EATR lo profundisá den tur e aspektonan di e nativo su bida, pa asina trese klaridat riba preguntanan òf remarkenan ku por a keda trese dilanti. Interpretashon i rekomendashon nan, lo ta basa puramente riba informashon nan personal registrá serka e EATR. Loke keda interpretá i konsehá lo keda entre e nativo i e EATR. Tur desishon tuma despues di a keda konsehá pa e EATR – loke keda riba e nativo mes su responsabilidat.

Kontribushon: Pa asuntu nan general òf pa rekomendashon di Yagya Védiko. Wak Vedic Yagya. Ta tuma 15 minüt, e esaki ta grátis. Pa kaso nan mas delikado ku mester di mas tempu i dedikashon si ta duna un kontribushon. Wak contact us.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Golden Age (Sat- Yug)-commencement?

The Enlighten Jyotish Team: forecasting transits of the 9 planets date; 21-12-2012. The team has considered the slow moving planets as seen from Janma Lagna - Saturn, Guru and the shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu.

Rahu and Ketu are in their debilitation signs respectively Scorpio and Taurus. Saturn Exalted in Libra, and, Guru retrograded in Taurus.

Frankly speaking this planetary positions does not indicate any dramatic change in the “universe” nevertheless, Saturn (as Karmic planet) is strongly placed in the Libra sign indicating that subtle transformations will arise on the level of human minds / consciousness, meaning that the worlds collective consciousness will be steadily rising.

On the other hand an interesting point of study will meet to the fact that, Rahu is situated in the constellation of Guru, and, Saturn is embedded in the constellation of Rahu. This grouping will support each other to create a harmonizing ascendant of positivity in the universe.

How and Why? Rahu is known as “materialistic” shadowy planet, Saturn as “Karmic” planet, Ketu as “spiritual” shadowy planet and Guru as benefic / knowledgeable planet – Know that Rahu in debilitation, by definition will support the development of spirituality, Saturn exalted, will slowly, steadily maintain a balancing growth of human consciousness. Guru as retrograde planet situated in a great enemy house, located in the Moon / Mind constellation, will make ignorance disappear from human mind.

Concluding, the world will never disappear – human / collective consciousness will rise to such an extent that darkness/inertia will vanish and light will prevail. The world will remain the same: the world is as we are.

All glory to the great seers.
Jai Guru Dev
Enlighten Jyotish Team

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Programa spesial pa kon por manehá bo peso basa riba bo mes konstitushon di nansementu

Pa motibu di e tantísimo reakshon riba e último programa di maneho di peso, Fundashon Grupo pa Komunidat lo kuminsá ku e di dos programa kon por manehá bo peso basa riba bo mes konstitushon. E programa aki su enfoke prinsipal ta pa maneho di peso i no nesesariamente baha di peso. Esaki saliendo for di e prinsipionan di  Ayurveda (estilo di bida basa riba bo mes konstitushon di nansementu), ku kada individuo tin su mes konstitushon,  ta nifiká ku tur su konsekuenshanan ku e por tin, no por forsa bahada di peso kontra di e partisipante su konstitushon di nansementu.  Den kuadro aki a añadí  mas kontenido na e programa. Partisipante nan lo sigui yoga dance un biaha pa siman, kana dos biaha pa siman (den grupo),  e parti teóriko kon ta manehá peso sin usa nada kímiko, tambe loke nos ta yama “sirkulo” di peso, ta sigui ku sekshon di siña prepará kuminda orgániko sigun bo konstitushon, lo midi, pisa, evaluashon di maneho di peso, ehersisio di rosea pa maneho di stress, emoshon i práktikanan di relahashon pa yuda e kurpa ahustá su mes na su propio konstitushon natal.  Lès nan ta kuminsá  djadumingu  27-11-2011.  E kurso lo ta bou di guia di Sra. Bishop i kontakto via Skype ku Dr. Kotecha. (dòkter di Ayurveda). Pa mas detaye por yama òf sms number di telefon 5276372 , via di nos pòst elektróniko,  Tambe por yena formulario di aplikashon via di nos websait:  Pa mas dedikashon personal,  lo limitá e partisipantenan na djesinku pa kada kurso. Pues si bo ta interesá buska kontakto aworakí mes.

Jyotish - Vedic Astrology - Ayurveda Consultations

Every Saturday:Free-Jyotish Consultation & Ayurveda Consultation-starting form December 3- 2011. Please make appointment one week before consultation date - Cancellation and two days before the consultation date.
